Laravel 5 Chart example using Charts Package
It's always a good fit for understanding if we use some graphical way display our progress report using the chart. So if you are working with laravel 5 framework then you can use chart very simple way and best layout. There are several js libraries available for a chart like chartjs, highcharts, google, material, chartist, fusioncharts, Morris, plottablejs etc. in this example we will just use one laravel "ConsoleTVs/Charts" composer package and you can use all the chart library. Using above library you can simply create following Charts. 1. line chart 2. area chart 3. bar chart 4. pie chart 5. donut chart 6. geo chart 7. gauge chart 8. temp chart 9. percentage chart 10. progress bar chart 11. areaspline chart 12. scatter chart Using ConsoleTVs/Charts package we can simply create above lists on the chart. We don't require to write jquery code for the chart we can manage it from a controller method. So here I give you a very easy example o...