Laravel 5 and Vue JS SimpleCRUD with Pagination example
Most popular JS Framework are Angular JS, Vue JS, and ReactJs. Angular JS and Vue JS are a very user-friendly JS Framework and most popular. It provides to manage whole project or application without refresh page and powerful jquery validation. In this post, I going to learn how to Simple BookCrud application with pagination using Laravel 5. In this example I added "Book Management" with you can do several options like as below: 1. Book Listing 2. Book Create 3. Book Edit 4. Book Delete Step 1: Laravel Installation In first step, If you haven't installed Laravel in your system then you have to run bellow command and get fresh Laravel project. composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel BookCrud Step 2: Create books table and model In this step we have to create migration for books table using Laravel 5 php artisan command, so first fire bellow command: php artisan make:migration create_books_table After this command, you will fin...